Resources on Procurement of Innovation
Doing innovation procurement requires specific knowledge and expertise. Luckily, many resources exist, including guidance, criteria sets and case studies, which can help you on your journey to purchasing innovative goods and services.
In addition, you can visit our 'Services and Expertise' page to find more information on specific projects, initiatives and other services which can support you to do innovation procurement in practice.
169 resources online
Resources search results ( 1 - 3 from 3 )
Driving energy efficient innovation through procurement - A practical guide for public authorities
This guide provides clear steps for public authorities that want to become “innovation-friendly” – that is achieving the most innovative, energy-efficient solutions within their procurement actions, particularly through increased dialogue with suppliers and producers.
English, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish
Spanish version: Impulsando la innovación energéticamente eficiente a través de la contratación Portuguese version: Incentivar a inovaÇão e a eficiência energética através das compras Danish version: Tilskyndelse til energieffektiv innovation gennem indkøb English version: Driving energy efficient innovation through procurement
Creating the conditions for innovation procurement: Towards a good practice guide
The LCB-Healthcare project aimed to stimulate demand for innovative low-carbon solutions for the healthcare sector by providing procurement decision makers with the knowledge and tools to achieve more sustainable buildings within their budget constraints. This guide disseminates the findings of a workshop help by the LCB proejct.
Procuring innovative and sustainable construction - A guide for European public authorities
This Guide for Public Authorities has been produced by the SCI-Network project, which aims to explore best practice in construction procurement and identify how best to encourage innovation and sustainability. It contains a series of recommendations for good practice developed by a series of working groups within the network.
English, Finnish, German, Italian