Resources on Procurement of Innovation
Doing innovation procurement requires specific knowledge and expertise. Luckily, many resources exist, including guidance, criteria sets and case studies, which can help you on your journey to purchasing innovative goods and services.
In addition, you can visit our 'Services and Expertise' page to find more information on specific projects, initiatives and other services which can support you to do innovation procurement in practice.
169 resources online
Latest resources
Refurbishing an old Kindergarten building with minimal environmental impact - Croatia
GPP Case Study - A good practice example published in the December edition on the GPP News Alert presenting recent work through public procurement of innovation (PPI) carried out in the City of Koprivnica (Croatia).
Renovating Amsterdam’s historic quay walls using innovation procurement
GPP interview with Tim van de Laar on innovation in the construction industry and the specific challenge the City of Amsterdam is encountering in terms of quay walls.
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations: Startup in Residence program
Experimenting with innovative startups. Minister Knops of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) wants to modernize his ministry in a world that is changing rapidly. BZK completed its first Startup In Residence (SiR) program and has now started a second edition together with other authorities.
INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS: Good advice and experience in implementing innovative development partnerships offering.
Report providing an overview of lessons learned from the Municipality of Frederiksberg's pilot innovation partnership to procure future rainwater management solutions.
Europe/EU, Denmark
Innovation procurement for renovating unused warehouse for a sustainable Youth Centre
EC GPP Case Study - Consorci de la Ribera & Alzira Municipality (Spain) used an innovation procurement approach to sustainably refurbish an unused warehouse and transform it into a Youth Centre (“Casal Jove”) for Alzira. Suppliers were asked to provide innovative façade renovations which would significantly reduce the overall building energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions without compromising the building’s functionality and comfort.
Europe/EU, Spain
PROBIS aims to use PPI in the building sector, with a focus on energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings. Four tenders will be launched on building technologies (ICT, envelope and energy equipment) before being tested in four pilot buildings in Torino (IT), Miskolc (HU), Börlange (SE) and in the Lombardy Region (IT).
Driving energy efficient innovation through procurement - A practical guide for public authorities
This guide provides clear steps for public authorities that want to become “innovation-friendly” – that is achieving the most innovative, energy-efficient solutions within their procurement actions, particularly through increased dialogue with suppliers and producers.
English, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish
Spanish version: Impulsando la innovación energéticamente eficiente a través de la contratación Portuguese version: Incentivar a inovaÇão e a eficiência energética através das compras Danish version: Tilskyndelse til energieffektiv innovation gennem indkøb English version: Driving energy efficient innovation through procurement
Procuring energy saving building technologies - Torino
In conjunction with the PAPIRUS project, ATC conducted a PPI process to procure technical solutions which improve energy performance. The contract was awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender, weighted according to energy efficiency, sustainability, installation and maintenance and economic criteria.
Europe/EU, Italy
Weiz District Authority Office, Austria - Innovative facade and ventilation systems
The Headquarters of the Weiz District authority was renovated to a highly energy efficient standard through the use of innovative facade elements and ventilation systems. Overall heating energy demand per m2 has been reduced by 80%.