15 April 2020

The PCP HSMonitor project starts its open market consultation

The PCP HSMonitor project starts its open market consultation

Image (Pixabay) by "frolicsomepl", licensed under CC0 License

HSMonitor, a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) project investing in Research and Development (R&D) services towards innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care, is carrying out an Open Market Consultation (OMC) in the form of a series of events, which aims to:

  • inform potential suppliers (industry) about the HSMonitor pre-commercial procurement opportunities
  • explain in detail the pre-commercial procurement process
  • open a dialogue with potential suppliers about the scope of procurement envisaged in the project (incl. technical specifications)
  • facilitate matchmaking among potential suppliers in need of support in the building of consirtia capable of addressing the needs of the HSMonitor procurers in full

The OMC is key for the preparation of the PCP Call for Tenders, expected in late summer 2020.

These are the programmed OMC webinars:

25.03  OMC Turkey. Language: Turkish
16.04  OMC International Webinar. Language: English
29.04  OMC Zagreb. Language: English
11.05  OMC Jämtland. Language: English
TBC     OMC Italy (Lombardy and Campania). Language: Italian

HSMonitor brings together five procurers: Turkey Ministry of Health, University Hospital Federico II (Italy), Region Jamtland Harjedalen (Sweden), Health Center Zagreb (Croatia) and Region Lombardy (Italy) with two supporting organisations: Empirica and Ticbiomed.

To learn more about the HSMonitor OMC, visit here