Finding innovative solutions to energy consumption in buildings
To tackle the problem of high-energy consumption in buildings, wide-spread renovation is required, with an emphasis on getting as close to zero-energy as possible. Taking up this objective, the INSPIRE project aims to find solutions to meet the EU’s energy consumption goals. The four-year long project will produce renovation packages that can be applied to a variety of buildings.
The project will be separated into two main stages: the first will see an analysis of building stock across Europe, with the aim to produce seven target examples that represent the majority. The second stage will be the development of multifunctional renovation kits. The technologies and renovation approaches will be tested on three case studies - two residential buildings and one office building - in Germany, Spain and Italy.
Information from the target buildings and case studies will be fed into a database, which will be available to interested professionals. ICLEI will put together an interest group of public authorities who can feed their ideas and concerns into the development process, and thus make sure that the renovation packages that are being developed fit both the needs of public authorities and comply with procurement processes.
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