9 November 2020

Market consultation on people flow data and analytics

Market consultation on people flow data and analytics

Image (Pixabay) by "Xresch", licensed under CC0 License

The Muntstroom PCP, initiated by the leading Brussels mobility partners (STIB-MIVB (lead), CIRB-CIBG, Brussels Mobility and Parking.Brussels), has launched the market consultation for the first European PCP on people flow data & analytics. The initiative intends to be the launching customer for an integrated end-to-end solution for the outdoor and indoor monitoring of people flow.

Two questionnaires have been drawn up in order to receive feedback from market parties:

  • An Open Market Consultation. This Open Market Consultation (OMC) is part of the PCP-phase 0. It aims to inform and question technology suppliers that are interested in suppling research and development (R&D) services for developing the desired solution. Via this OMC they get the unique opportunity to give feedback on the requirements of the foreseen pre-commercial tender.
  • An Open Client Dialogue. This Open Client Dialogue (OCD) is part of the PCP-phase 0. It aims to inform and question parties interested in the use and re-use of People Flow-data. Therefore, the OCD is targeting, for example, private companies who would like to use the People Flow-data to develop new apps/services for commercial purposes.

For more information, visit here