17 December 2021

ProcuRE Tender offers €7.68 million R&D funding to change renovations

ProcuRE Tender offers €7.68 million R&D funding to change renovations

The Horizon-project procuRE has released the R&D services tender (TED) calling for the development of breakthrough solutions to renovate existing buildings to be supplied with 100% renewable supply. The deadline for submission is 22.2.22.

Six cities (Barcelona, Istanbul, Velenje, Nuremberg, Vila Nova de Gaia, Eilat) offer suppliers €7.68 million to design, develop, and test an innovative Renovation Approach capable of generating Renovation Packages delivering 100% renewable energy supply (RES) to any existing non-residential building with adequate envelope quality. The Renovation Approach is to be tested through generating and implementing Renovation Packages for specific buildings in Buyers Group portfolios, the Demonstration Sites.

The Buyers Group alone operates 21,000 buildings; almost a dozen other procurers are already following the project. Together they hope to supply their buildings with 100% local RES within a short timeframe. To make this possible, it is expected that suppliers will follow an “active approach”, optimising heavy loads in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) etc, adding intelligent (remote) control, energy production and storage while responding to specific usage requirements to optimise the entire building.

The common challenge
Suppliers are to design, develop, and test an innovative Renovation Approach capable of generating Renovation Packages delivering 100% renewable energy supply to any existing non-residential building with adequate envelope quality. The Renovation Approach is to be tested through generating and implementing Renovation Packages for specific non-residential buildings in Buyers Group portfolios, the Demonstration Sites.

A supplier's Renovation Approach is expected to constitute a complete set of methods, technologies, services and devices integrated in a well-documented toolkit which includes at least: building assessment framework, system design and control approach, RES production, interoperable integration of legacy devices, data management and data sharing, building control, storage solutions, finance and contracting models, life-cycle cost approach, continuous commissioning, behaviour-targeting education and training of occupants and professionals.

During Phase I and Phase II, suppliers adapt, extend, and apply their Renovation Approach to generate Renovation Packages for six specific buildings in Buyers Group portfolios with increasing level of detail. During these two phases, suppliers will apply their Co-Design procedure to facilitate information exchange, involvement, decision-making etc. Successful tenderers for Phase III will then implement the Renovation Packages in three allocated buildings, ensure performance and apply the Continuous Commissioning procedure. The initial delivery of the Renovation Package is to be turnkey-ready.