29 April 2017

InnProBio project releases circular economy factsheet

InnProBio project releases circular economy factsheet

Image (pixabay.com) by "Antranias", licensed under CC0 Creative Commons

A new factsheet published by the InnProBio project which focuses on how procurement of bio-based products and services fit into the circular economy has been published. The factsheet addresses the question: does encouraging the public procurement of bio-based products contribute to fostering a circular economy? The factsheet also serves as an introduction to the circular economy and circular procurement in broader terms.

The bioeconomy uses renewable resources (that is, biomass, such as plants, trees or animals) instead of fossil resources, and can provide products that contribute to the enhanced circularity of our current economic model. The factsheet gives special attention to bio-based plastics and recycling, exploring what end-of-life options are available for a variety of products.

It is the fourth in a series of factsheets published in the framework of the European InnProBio project which includes: ‘What are bio-based products?’, ‘Sustainability of bio-based products’, and ‘Biodegradability: Exposing some of the myths and facts’.

For more information and to download the factsheet, visit the InnProBio website.