Introducing the PPI Platform
The Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) Platform is now live at The Platform is a brand new system that aims to make public procurement of innovation a wide-spread reality in Europe.
With Europe’s economy facing serious challenges with regard to growth and competitiveness, the need to find innovative and sustainable solutions is more important than ever before. Procurement is a powerful tool to stimulate the market to offer innovative and sustainable solutions. The Platform has been developed to help public authorities, procurers, policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders harness the power of PPI. Custom-made to meet users' needs, the PPI Platform is comprised of three elements.
The website is the first port of call for all things related to PPI and pre-commercial procurement (PCP). It contains the latest news on PPI and PCP developments and events, the European legal framework, policy support and more specifically, it will offer the latest updates on PPI and PCP related projects.
The Procurement Forum is a space for procurers and related stakeholders to discuss, share and connect, allowing them to post comments and upload documents, images or videos. Users can create groups, which are ideal for developing and coordinating projects involving numerous partners.
The Resource Centre provides a centralised database for PPI guidance, gathering useful documents in one place. Resources include national and European policy and strategy documents, tools, case studies, details of projects and initiatives, and reports.
The platform has been developed by ICLEI with support from the European Commission, and in partnership with PIANOo – the Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre, REC – the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe and IWT – the Flemish Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology.
Feedback on the platform is welcomed. The platform is set out to create a user experience that is rewarding, informative, and enjoyable - any input that helps to achieve this is most welcome. All features are fully functioning, but in case of any issues or feedback please contact us at:
To visit the platform, click here.