Final PPI4Waste newsletter and roadmap for innovation published
The final newsletter of the PPI4Waste project has been released following the the final international conference of the PPI4Waste project which took place on 12 September 2017 in Brussels. The conference entitled "Feedback and opportunities for public procurement of innovation in the waste sector" gathered public procurers and suppliers committed to boost innovation in the waste sector.
A roadmap for joint or coordinated Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) in waste management was produced by the project partners is available on the project website. Amongst its conclusions, it is recommended to continue the cooperation on the topic of PPI, for example through the communities created during the project.
ICLEI's Procurement Forum will host a successor discussion group on Waste and Resources, open to public procurers, innovation experts and others, as a follow-on from the Interest Group and Purchasing Community established during the project.
Presentations and a report of the conference as well as the training, analysis and innovation resources developed during the project are available on the PPI4Waste website.