29 March 2019

Procura+ Awards: Deadline Extended and Jury Announced

Procura+ Awards: Deadline Extended and Jury Announced

Image by "ICLEI Europe", licensed under All Rights Reserved

The deadline for applications to the 2019 Procura+ Awards has been extended until 30 April 2019 in all three award categories - Sustainable Procurement, Innovation Procurement and Procurement Initiative of the Year.

Hosted by Procura+ network coordinators ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability in cooperation with the Procure2Innovate project, the competition rewards sustainable and innovative public procurements leading to significant improvements of public good, services, process and infrastructure.

A high-level jury will include Procura+ Network chair and Mayor of Malmö Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Director in the European Commission's DG GROW Marzena Rogalska, Head of the OECD's Public Sector Integrity Division, Janos Bertok and Global Director of ICLEI's Sustainable Procurement Centre, Mark Hidson.

Last year's Procura+ Awards saw the Government of Flanders (Belgium), the City of Rotterdam (Netherlands), and the City of Barcelona win awards for Sustainable Procurement of the Year, Innovation Procurement of the Year and Tender Procedure of the Year, respectively.

“To apply for the Procura+ Award means to have successful, sustainable and innovative public procurement activities in place that generate improvements in public goods, services, processes and infrastructure. By applying for the award, you start sharing your positive experience with other authorities that can benefit from them and contribute to this global exchange” - said Frederic Ximeno, Commissioner for Ecology for the City of Barcelona.

“Your case doesn’t have to be world changing or sustainable to the last detail, as long as you can make a difference that matters. A smart case that is as sustainable as possible considering the context of the market, your needs, your budget, your capacity and the level of innovation that you wish to achieve, goes a long way. Don’t hesitate and apply,” - added Alexander Lemmens from Procurement team of the Government of Flanders.

For more information and to apply, visit the Procura+ Awards page.