Past Events
Innovation procurement - your questions answered
Education is currently facing a challenge like never before. To slow the spread of COVID-19, schools and universities in 188 countries have been closed, impacting almost 90% of the world’s student population.
As classes move online, it has become essential that schools have effective learning technology, in order to continue teaching young people at home.
The LEA Network ‘Procuring Resilient Education Technology’ series will bring five webinars to you this April – June, exploring the basics of how procurement can learn from this current crisis, and procure effective learntech now and in future.
In Webinar 4, procurers’ biggest questions on innovation procurement will be answered by innovation procurement expert Sara Bedin, and project leader from the Region of Gothenburg, Rikard Ström.
Questions asked in previous sessions will be answered, such as:
• What are the risks of innovation procurement, and how can these be managed?
• How should award criteria be defined in a PCP/PPI?
• How can I build a successful business case for PCP/PPI?
To join the webinar, register here.