14 May 2019

LEA-N recruits procurers for joint learntech actions

LEA-N recruits procurers for joint learntech actions

Image (unsplash.com) by "Daria Nepriakhina", licensed under CCO Creative Commons

The LEA - Learntech Accelerator project is currently inviting procurers to join the LEA-Network - a critical mass of procurers of education, committed to collaborating on joint actions to accelerate the procurement of learntech in European schools.

Increasing the availability of learntech which is designed around teachers and learners needs is crucial to providing a future-proof education system. By using state of the art technology, it’s possible for schools to improve learning outcomes and increase teacher efficiency, while also supporting the innovative learntech start-ups and SMEs.

LEA-N is a key opportunity for procurers to join upcoming work and future projects on PCP and PPI of Education, and to access innovation procurement assistance from LEA.

In addition, LEA-N members will have access to capacity building seminars, and an opportunity to contribute to the development of a common demand policy on education & learning technology.

To find out more or to register your interest, contact ashleigh.mclennan@iclei.org.