29 January 2015

Dutch Ministry encourages procurement of innovation through policy framework document

Dutch Ministry encourages procurement of innovation through policy framework document

Rijkswaterstaat, the body within the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment responsible for infrastructure facilities, has launched a new policy framework for the public procurement of innovation. The Ministry wishes to use procurement of innovation to meet upcoming challenges, particularly those posed by climate change. The framework document is intended to provide guidance to those seeking to undertake this relatively new form of procurement.

Through adhering to the new policy framework, Rijkswaterstaat states that The Netherlands will be able to procure modern solutions that provide smarter, safer, cheaper and more sustainable performance. The current ambition is to achieve a 2.5 percent share of public procurement of innovation, with all barriers towards innovation removed. The document states that the purchasing of innovative solutions will only be achieved through greater interaction with other parties, investments in areas that may seem uncertain, and the freedom and mandate to try new things.

Whilst avoiding detailed rules, the document provides information on taking a process-based approach towards procurement of innovation, dealing with obstacles to innovation, and provides advice for various situations that may arise when procuring innovative products and services. Rijkswaterstaat’s experience of procuring innovation within European projects is also included.

To read the policy framework, download the PDF.