30 December 2014

€140 million in EU funding available for PCP and PPI projects

€140 million in EU funding available for PCP and PPI projects

EU funding instrument Horizon 2020 is offering financial support of between €130 and €140 million to enhance pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and public procurement of innovation (PPI). The funding will help consortia of European procurers to prepare and undertake a PCP or PPI procurement, and to cooperate on identifying opportunities and preparing for future PCP and PPI activities.

The money will be spread across the various Horizon 2020 work programmes, namely European research infrastructures; information and communication technologies (ICT); health; food/bio-economy; energy; transport; and climate change/environment. In addition to these specific areas, there is also an open call within the ICT Work Programme, through which procurers can tender based on any area of public interest that can be aided by an ICT solution.

The deadline for the open call, which has a budget of €4 million, is 14 April 2015. The overarching aim of the funding is to improve the efficiency and quality of public services in Europe. The Horizon 2020 programme provides financial support for projects that bolster research and innovation in Europe, thereby driving economic growth and creating jobs.

For more information, visit the website of the European Commission.