11 June 2015

INNOCAT invites views on school catering report

INNOCAT invites views on school catering report

Catering (Dreamstime.com) by "Candybox Images"

The procurement of school catering services affects children across Europe and has a significant environmental and social impact. The INNOCAT project has developed a report looking at the difficulties faced by European schools and local authorities as they try to procure healthy, sustainable and low-carbon school meals.

The report is structured around a brief overview of the key areas in which local authorities looking to procure more sustainable catering services face issues. It also draws together inspirational examples of local authorities using innovative approaches and engaging with suppliers to embed sustainability into the heart of school catering. From carbon monitoring schemes at city level to waste sorting tables in school canteens, the range of eco-innovative solutions already being implemented is both impressive and thought-provoking.

A complete first draft of the report is now ready and the project is inviting feedback. Five questions are included at the end of the report to help guide responses. Feedback can be provided by emailing innocat@iclei.org before Friday 3 July.

For more information, read the INNOCAT school catering report.